Map - 169 Ipswich and the Naze.

map403.jpg (138777 bytes)          Click on pictures to see more detail.

Peter and Richard, the TX operators, decided to use the map the opposite way round to last year. This took the emphasis away from guessing which side of rivers people were.  However, everyone was given a real challenge by two excellent sites.   

startgen.jpg (90146 bytes)     strt1.jpg (132950 bytes)    AlanSit.jpg (121962 bytes)    strtgen2.jpg (101474 bytes)

  Eight teams gathered at the start - Felixstowe (NGR 302357) -  tarmac car-park off roundabout  by Cowpasture Wood.

 philequp.jpg (52792 bytes)      MeryEquip.jpg (116648 bytes)  

Both signals were heard at the start despite some local QRM. A good effort since both sites were close to the West edge of the map.

AndyColl.jpg (89775 bytes)       stplum.jpg (167165 bytes)       strsy2.jpg (148373 bytes)       sttim.jpg (122306 bytes)      AlanCar.jpg (107114 bytes)

TX A operated by Peter was located in a densely wooded area around a stream to the South of Hintlesham.  

The entrance  was inviting!      TXAStyle.jpg (180102 bytes)

Despite the recent lack of rain the whole site was composed of thin layer of vegetation covering a bog. The only way to move was quickly! There was one man-made bridge over the stream but Mother Nature provided numerous alternatives. My thanks are due to 'Darling Rosy' for shaking my tight rope (well OK, fallen tree) as I decided, once again, I was on the wrong side.  Unfortunately my amusement was terminated by team leader 'Bloodhound Parker' yelling the 'back to the car code'.

TX B 'guiding us' towards Richard was located 20 Km South by Tenpenny Brook, Frating.  timsite.jpg (177072 bytes)

There were plenty of clues to the location of the TX and I followed the 500 m of blue wire running down one side of the wood and the 500 m of grey running across the bottom followed by orange running back up the other side then pink running into some really dense undergrowth yes ... ................................... no, just another drum.  You have probably guessed that the TX was actually just at the entrance to the wood with an ultra fine wire T into that blue wire. A pity we didn't!

 richsite.jpg (116970 bytes) ...B...!       coltsite.jpg (124175 bytes)  Andy had been in the wood all afternoon!
The reason while we all do it ... that first cup of tea after a DF.
teaprep.jpg (70908 bytes)
Tea         St Mary's Parish Church Hall, Ship Lane, Bramford (NGR 126 464). 
Thanks to Daphne, Caroline and Lisa (how did you get in the picture younger Peter?) for  tea and numerous puds, excellent!
tea1.jpg (112930 bytes)            tea2.jpg (120989 bytes)
PLACE  TEAM  NAME                FINISH    TIME A  TIME B             Rosebowl
  1     4    Philip Cunningham   153759    153759  145149  QUALIFIED      9
  2     5    Chris Plummer       154257    154257  144234  QUALIFIED      6
  3     1    Tim Parker          155056    145220  155056                 4
  4     8    Rosy Merry          155642    145506  155642                 3
  5     6    Bill Pechey         161029    151712  161029                 2
  6     2    Geoff Foster        162838    162838  151455                 1
  7     3    Steve Stone         152510    ______  152510  
  8     7    Andy collett        155650    ______  155650  
1.   philtrpy.jpg (121517 bytes)        2.  plumprz.jpg (95479 bytes)    Chocs. psyprz.jpg (112296 bytes)
A most enjoyable event, the only sad note being that Peter said he is likely to move 
from Colchester to the West Coast before next year. Thanks for all that you have done 
to keep us amused over the last 20 years Peter. We shall miss you, and cherish the three 
pictures above!!!
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