Colchester/Chelmsford DF April 21st 2002

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"A true DFer never follows the law of averages, the wrong side of the river is always visited first."

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The start was Great Bentley Green on the  Ipswich map. TX A was Peter Larbalestier in Bridge Wood, Ipswich, NGR 188401, and TX B was Richard Witney on the sea wall at Point Clear, NGR 102158.

We were kept  close to cooling waters all afternoon! Tim and I  'of course' visited Brightlingsea before Point Clear and met the eventual winners, Andrew and team, as they were leaving the site. They had apparently had 'difficulties with a local' establishing the correct footpath!  After running half a mile past him I eventually found Richard hidden by the smallest of bushes beside the sea wall, a long low aerial ran out on a few sticks over the mud towards the sea.

I will let Andrew tell you about station B as by that time we were 20 minutes behind the real action:

"One of the bearings we got on Larby was from the river bank a couple of miles from where he was. The bearing went right down the river but clipped the wood on the opposite bank. He was quite a run in to the wood, then along the path along the river bank. We were on site with Mike, but our chief aerial spotter did his stuff again, and guided Phil into Larby. Phil then gave me a shout as I was investigating the other side of the bush - why does Larby always hide on the wrong side of a bush from where you first look?"

Peter requested a clearer image of Station A than the map provides.
Click here to see DFers getting close to his TX. 

1 Andrew Mead 15-26-43 14-20-09
2 Mike Hawkins 15-39-48 14-26-04
3 Andy Collett 14-41-06 15-40-10
4 Brian Bristow 14-51-35 15-55-22
5 Roy Emeny 15-55-28 14-39-54
6 Dick Brocks 16-08-06 14-30-20
7 Alan Simmons 16-12-49 14-19-52
8 George Wenham 16-13-11 14-40-20
9 Rosy Merry 15-10-23 16-20-57
10 Steve Stone 16-27-49 14-32-54
11 Geoff Foster - 14-39-26
12 Graham Phillips 15-13-49 -

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Andrew Mead and Mike Hawkins qualify for the final.

Special thanks to Caroline, Pat, Daphne and Frances for providing us with a superb ROAST meal.

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