Results of the Jubilee DF  7th June 2002          

Her  Majesty. commanded that  good men of Essex should meet at sundown by the eight ashes and do battle in the great forests  'til one should emerge the true and certain victor. 

In keeping with British Spirit many stiff upper lips merely uttered "bother" when they found that Alresford had been placed on the wrong side of the river by a previous less careful Monarch, leaving the principality of Fingeringhoe to host  JUBILEE TX.

The local peasants had worked hard all day cutting grass, carefully placing doggy do and hanging decorative cables from the trees. 

Roy Serf of Brightlingsea played a merry tune to welcome the Royal gathering.

Positions at Court

1. King Richard of ICP (8.30-10)  was presented with the Jubilee Trophy  by Prince Philip. 

2. Prince Andrew  8.44-40                                                                                                     Click on mug to see.

3. Court Jester Tim     8.45-20 (but did find the Corgi droppings first)

4. Ian      Son of But     8.55-30

5. Philip Duke of Manningtree       8.56-10

6. Richard  Page to her Highness  8.56-40 (His first solo DF - well Done!)

Thanks to Philip for providing the Jubilee Mug.

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