Chelmsford DF  
Peter G4TEB
Tiptree start
Tx + Getaway
Peter says:
Once again it was my turn to provide the site for a DF. I chose a relatively easy site with a bit of water around. The aerial was erected in the afternoon so nice and calm at 6pm when I loaded the TX getting plenty of power up the wire helped by the dampness. The Mini was located along the old railway nearby. I could see through the bushes to the likely parking area and observed Tim arrive and depart at 8:05. Now he could have been 1st in but he left that honour to his son Gary who arrived within 20ft of me at 8:21 but was intrigued by the site and spent 10 minutes checking it out and still getting an admirable time of 8:31. Dad was 1st but only to the pub!
Roy was so determined in his pace he passed me by within 10 feet taken another 10 minutes to return and say hello.
He then returned into the wood rather than back to his car and the direction of the mini. Ian chose to visit the mini 1st and claimed the triffid and post were in situ but no tickects .....   (I think he's saving them for a rainy day Ed).

It would have been easy in the daylight - well except for the thorns, nettles and a foot of water!

But at night you needed  young eyes, legs ........... brain.
Sorry, jealousy could be showing.
Our winner ..... Gary, very well done!
Main Tx
8.31 Gary.
8.40 Roy
8.54 Ian
9.02 Phil
9.03 Graham
Ian 9
Roy 6
Gary 4
Graham 3

See the results for the year